CVPAfrica launched YouthEmploy Africa, to generate 5 million youth & women
jobs in Africa by 2030. Achieving this goal demands a comprehensive and
collaborative approach that goes beyond traditional “business-as-usual”
practices. It requires systematic and organized collaboration and co-creation
among the private sector, youth and women, government entities, and
development partners.

The CVPAfrica Big Hairy Audacious Goal of creating 5 Million youth and women jobs by 2030 will be possible through the above explained Theory of Change. Willing and able private sectors partners who appreciate the concept of shared value, will be supported to scale to increase profitability resulting in revitalized communities of working youth and women.
Jobs created are dependent on the private sector partners’ area of interest e.g.. Digi jobs , green jobs, health jobs etc. and available resources.

By Dr. Wamuyu Mahinda